
You can read now about the history of our centre.
The history of the library begins in the year 1952. Former chief librariens were - Ludmila Vysoká (Ms), Milena Hněvsová, Ph D (Ms) and Milena Mudruňková, Ph D (Ms). Contemporary director is Dana Zdeňková, Ph D (Ms) since 01/01/2000.

Progress till present

In 1966 the library started to be an official information center for both Charles University Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen and Medical Hospital in Pilsen. There are more other medical libraries in West Bohemia. We have 55 separated libraries in medical and theoretical departments. The whole acquisition and description process is done in the central library in computer library system called Aleph (formerly T-Series). Interlibrary loans are made in computer software MEVYS.

some facts are given with the references:
In: 50 let lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Plzni 1945-1995.
Praha: Karolinum, 1995. s.187-190